
7th bdSIG 2023


Bangladesh School of Internet Governance (bdSIG) arranged the school of IG program on 23, 24 & 25 May 2023 in physical (Face to Face) format at Daffodil International University (DIU) in Dhaka’s Savar  & YWCA Training Centre, 3/23, Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207, organized by Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF). Any individual person from Bangladesh who were interested in the internet & IG-related issues (Ex: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Security, BlockChain, etc.) can attend the school by submitting the application form for the fellowship.  


The seventh edition of the fellowship programme of Bangladesh School of Internet Governance(bdSIG) 2023 brought together 61 fellows – youth and professionals from the private sector, government, academia, civil society, and media – to help them shape the future of the internet by bridging the gap between technology and policy which was held from 23-25 february 2023.

The bdSIG, a community development initiative of the Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF), began at the Daffodil International University (DIU) in Dhaka’s Savar on Thursday with sessions on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, the internet of things, big data, AR, and VR.

DIU lecturers Arid Hasan conducted the session “Artificial Intelligence in Natural Language Processing,” Musabbir Hasan “Data Science,” and Assistant Professor Apurba Ghosh ran the session “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technology.”

DIU Vice-Chancellor Professor M Lutfar Rahman, AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO of BNNRC, founder of the BIGF, and Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu, founder and secretary general of the BIGF, spoke at the final session of the day.

On Friday, at the YWCA Guest House and Training Center in Mohammadpur, Bazlur, also CEO of the Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Community, gave the fellows presentations about key internet issues, including the internet ecosystem; political, legal, economic, sociocultural, and technical dimensions of internet governance as well the local point of intersection of internet governance and Sustainable Development Goals.

He also had interactive conversations about the key actors in internet governance, digital infrastructure and adoption, digital rights, human rights, digital economy, digital divide, and geopolitical positioning.

Rezaul Islam, quality assurance manager of the BGD-eGOV CIRT, talked about cybersecurity and Bangladesh’s preparedness.

Mamunur Rashid, consultant at the Enhancement of Bangla Language, conducted the session “Bangla Language in the Digital World.”

Also, Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu discussed the activities of the BIGF and its communities, including the Bangladesh Women IGF, Bangladesh Youth IGF, and Bangladesh Kid’s IGF. He highlighted the aims and purposes of the bdSIG and briefed the participants about the school’s sessions from 2017 to 2023.

“No matter what age you are and whatever stage you are at in your career, we have a programme for you. At the bdSIG, we want to listen to everyone and encourage them to learn with us as well as spread the knowledge,” Anu said. “Over the years, the bdSIG and BIGF have become platforms where we share knowledge and ideas, team up, and strengthen bonds.”

Nazmul Hasan Majumder, vice-chair of the bdSIG, discussed the activities of the school in the last seven years in creating a digital talent pool of 602 fellows through networking, mentoring, and collaboration.

“The bdSIG fellows are picked through a multi-step evaluation process. The selection committee tries to achieve professional, geographical, age, and gender diversity in the selection.”

“We follow a multi-stakeholder approach as we want our fellows – whether they are working in technology, academia, civil society, business or government – to understand how to partner with other stakeholders to advocate for internet-related key issues.”

Ashrafur Rahman Piaus, secretary general of the bdSIG, discussed international fellowship opportunities and challenges for the participants to equip them with the knowledge they need to join a global community of like-minded people after the programme.

Faisal Ahmed Bhubon, secretary general of the Bangladesh Youth IGF, discussed the activities of his platform in the last two years.

The programme ended on Saturday with an understanding of Smart Bangladesh, freelancing and monetisation, the digital economy in Bangladesh, the Digital Security Act, the proposed Data Protection Act, the Global Digital Compact, and the fellows describing their learnings from the programme and plans for taking the multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder knowledge beyond the fellowship.

H.E. Mr. Hasanul Haq Inu, MP, chair of the parliamentary standing committee on the information and broadcasting ministry and chair of the BIGF, was present at the closing session.

   61 bdSIG 2023 Fellows At a Glance


Bangladesh School of Internet Governance – bdSIG Fellowship Committee selected 61 applicants as fellows for the 7th bdSIG 2023 program for the directly physical (Face to Face) format.  The following individuals had been selected, and got the fellowship for attending the Three days school from 23 February to 25 February, 2023.    

Sl No. Participant Full Name Gender Country Stakeholder Group
01 Naimul Haq Male Bangladesh Government
02 Md. Al-Amin Male Bangladesh Academia
03 Md Naeem Shikdar Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
04 Md. Shakhawat Hossain Male Bangladesh Private Sector
05 S. M. Naymul Alam Azad Male Bangladesh Technical Community
06 Md. Rajib Hasan Male Bangladesh Technical Community
07 S M Nahid Sarwar Sumon Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
08 Md Asadullah Al Galib Male Bangladesh Technical Community
09 SHAON DAS Male Bangladesh Government
10 Md. Ataul Islam Male Bangladesh Government;Intergovernmental Organizations
11 Samiha Sofrana Azim Female Bangladesh Technical Community
12 Tasin Sadak Female Bangladesh Private Sector
13 Sayeeda Zaman Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
14 Irin Akter Shuchana Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
15 Abu Sayed Malik Md Monsur-ul-Hakim Male Bangladesh Technical Community
16 Aminul Islam Male Bangladesh Academia
17 Shonim Shaheen Male Bangladesh Academia
18 Sammi Akter Juthi Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
20 Nusrat Jahan Esha Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
21 Iftear Hasan Tanvir Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
22 Shankar Kumar Mondol Male Bangladesh Academia
23 Md. Jahangir Alam Male Bangladesh Private Sector
24 Nusrat Chowdhury Chowa Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
25 Mahfuza Akhter Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
26 Md Ashraful Islam Male Bangladesh Private Sector
27 Md.Hasib Chowdhury Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
28 MD ANISUR RAHMAN Male Bangladesh Private Sector
29 Tajfia Islam Tiba Female Bangladesh Civil Society
30 Muhammad Al-Amin Male Bangladesh Press / Media
31 Tasmi Chowdhury Female Bangladesh Press / Media
32 Sheikh Khayeruzzaman Male Bangladesh Government
33 Tasnia Tanjim Chaity Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
34 Nusrat Tasnufa Chowdhury Female Bangladesh Private Sector
35 Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
36 Md Nafiur Rahman Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
37 S. M. Tanvir Rahman Likhon Male Bangladesh Technical Community
38 JAVED NIAJ MOHSIN Male Bangladesh Private Sector
39 Abu Raihan Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
40 Muhammed Emran Male Bangladesh Private Sector
41 Md. Hasibur Rahman Male Bangladesh Academia
42 Tanzila Akter Female Bangladesh Youth / Students
43 Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu Male Bangladesh Civil Society
44 AHM Bazlur Rahman Male Bangladesh Civil Society
45 Iqbal Ahmed Male Bangladesh Private Sector
46 Hiren Pandit Male Bangladesh Civil Society
47 Khundkar Hasan Shahriyar Male Bangladesh Civil Society
48 Nazmul Hasan Majumder Male Bangladesh Technical Community
49 Ashrafur Rahman Piaus Male Bangladesh Private Sector
50 Riad Hasan Badsha Male Bangladesh Technical Community
51 Faisal Ahmed Bhubon Male Bangladesh Technical Community
52 Ayesha Siddika Female Bangladesh Technical Community
53 Md Moniruzzaman Munna Male Bangladesh Technical Community
54 Nymun Nahar Islam Female Bangladesh Private Sector
55 Mst. Boishakhy Khatun Female Bangladesh Private Sector
56 Md. Ashikur Rahman Shunno Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
57 AHM Sakkhar Rahman Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
58 Mohammad Nijam Uddin Chowdhury Male Bangladesh Private Sector
59 Uchsas Khan Male Bangladesh Youth / Students
60 Babita Basnet Female Nepal Civil Society;Press / Media
61 Kalpana Acharya Female Nepal Press / Media













Some Stats:

Total Participants: 61

Male, Female

Technical Community, Youth / Students, Private Sector, Government, Civil Society, Press or Media