1st bdSIG 2017
The Bangladesh School of Internet Governance (bdSIG) is going to be held for the first time at 26-27 December, Dhaka in Bangladesh 2017. bdSIG 2017 is expected to have the following participant structure:
bdSIG 2017 is a product of long discussions with Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG)https://sites.google.com/site/apsigasia/and BIGF for implementing a School of IG in Bangladesh.
BIGF As the host for bdSIG with two days and offer a valid certificate for successful participants.
As the first ever local SIG we planned 25 participants for a full free fellowship.
Some Stats
Total Participants : 25
Male and Female
Age = 18 – 50
Industries, Youth, Technical, Government, Academia and Media
Registration Duration : 26 November – 20 December, 2017
Selection Phase : 21 December – 23 December, 2017
Fellowship List Declaration : 24 December, 2017
Who can apply?
Any individual from Bangladesh, from any stakeholder community (Government, Business, Civil Society, Technical or Academia), who has an interest in Internet Governance, and has in the past contributed or wishes to contribute to IG processes, may apply for this programe as a Bangladesh Fellow. Any individual from any part of the world can apply as an International Fellow.
Selection Criteria
Fellowship applicants will be selected by the Selection Committee based on different criteria such as background, experience and contributions, and keeping in mind parameters such as geographical and gender balance and diversity.
Steering Committee
The conduct of Bangladesh School on Internet Governance (bdSIG2017) will be supervised by a Steering Committee whose initial members are drawn from the four organizing institution Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF) and in collaboration with e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh (e-CAB), Internet Service Providers Association Bangladesh (ISPAB), Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) The Monthly Computer Jagat, bdSIG’s international supporters and from local hosting organizations. The Steering Committee will be expanded as required.
1. Mr. Hasanul Haq Inu, Minister, Ministry of Information
2. Mr. MA Hakim, President, ISPAB
3. Mr. Razib Ahmed, Director, International Affairs, e-CAB
4. Mr. S M Altaf Hossain, MD & CEO, Drik ICT Ltd
5. Ms. Afroza Haq, Executive Member, BIGF
6. Mr. AHM. Bazlur Rahman, CEO, BNNRC
7. Mr. Mohammad Abdul Haque, Secretary General, BIGF
8. Mr. Shazzad Hossain, PA to Information Minister
9. Mr. Md Abdul Wahed Tomal, Technical Editor, Computer Jagat
All candidates who attend the full programme and complete all assignments given to them will be issued a certificate of completion.
Sharing of Teaching Material
bdSIG proposes to share teaching material (background papers, video recordings of sessions etc) with other SIGs in the region based on a consensus at APSIG level.
National SIG Coordinator’s
Primary Contact : Mohammad Abdul Haque
Mobile : +8801911341654
Email : mahaqueanu@gmail.com
Alternative Contact : Syed Hassan Mahmood
Mobile : +8801719092533
Email : shmahmood21@gmail.com
Alternative Contact : Nazmul Hasan Majumder
Mobile : +8801556356765
Email : nazmulmajumder@gmail.com
1st bdSIG 2017
Bangladesh School of Internet Governance
e-CAB Training Room, H-6, R-29, Dhanmondi, Dhaka
Content and Agenda
26 December 1st Day | |
09:00 – 09:30 am |
Registration |
09:30 – 09:35 am |
Welcome |
09:35 – 10:00 am |
Self Introduction and Grouping |
10:00 – 10:30 am |
Internet history by S M Altaf Hossain, MD & CEO, Drik ICT Ltd |
10:30 – 11:00 am |
Internet Governance (Introduction, History and Principles) by Sumon Ahmed Sabir, Chief Technology Officer, Fiber at Home Ltd. |
11:00 – 11:15 am |
Tea Break |
11:15 – 11:45 am |
IGF (The Talkshow) introducing Internet Governance Forum and UN involvement (UN Secretary) by AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO, BNNRC |
11:45 – 12:15 pm |
Internet Governance EcoSystem by Naveed Haq, Regional Development Manager,Asia-Pacific, Internet Society |
12:15 – 12:45 pm |
Digital Economic (E Commerce, Ebanking, E-money, Virtual Currencies, tax, digital signatures etc.) by Razib Ahmed, President, e-CAB |
12:45 – 01:15 pm |
Legal background (Jurisdiction, IP, Trademark, Patent, Cybercrime act, Privacy) by Advocate Khundkar Hasan Shahriyar |
01:15 – 01:45 pm |
Lunch |
27 December 2nd Day | |
10:00 – 10:30 am |
Data Governance (Governance of Networked Data) by Omer Sharif Ibney Hai, Head of Growth, chaldal.com |
10:30 – 11:00 am |
Internet of Things (IOT) Governance by Rezwanul Haque Jami, Vice President, e-CAB |
11:00 – 11:15 am |
Tea Break |
11:15 – 12:00 am |
Infrastructure and Standards (TCP/IP, DNS, Apnic, ISP) by Jahangir Hossain, Vice President, ISOC Dhaka Chapter, Bangladesh |
12:00 – 12:45 pm |
Development (Technology, Connectivity, Accessibility, Digital Divide) by Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) |
12:45 – 01:15 pm |
Closing Session & Certificate Giving Ceremony |
01:15 – 01:45 pm |
Lunch |
Organized by :
The Monthly Computer Jagat
1st bdSIG 2017 Participant List
No. | Name | Organization Name | Designation | Gender | Phone | |
01. | Mohammad Ali Parvez | Radio Bhumi | Program Producer | Male |
01754552277 |
parvezmohammad03@gmail.com |
02. | Md. Washiqur Rahman | DainikAmaderShomoy | Assistant Editor | Male |
01716878139 |
rex_shaheen@yahoo.com |
03. | Md. Mintu Hossain | ProthomAlo | Sub Editor | Male |
01719270516 |
mintu.baadshah@gmail.com |
04. | Md. Masudur Rahman | The Monthly Computer Jagat | Correspondent | Male |
01911403441 |
masud.rana1972@yahoo.com |
05. | Nazmul Hasan Majumder | Stamford University | Student | Male |
01556356765 |
nazmulmajumder@gmail.com |
06. | Md. Hamidur Rahman | Shaikh Borhanuddin College | Student | Male |
01515242570 |
nahian.rahman883@gmail.com |
07. | Abdur Rakib Tasin | Maple Leaf International | Student | Male |
01991102771 |
019911ra@gmail.com |
08. | Bhubon Ahmed | Dhaka City College | Student | Male |
01935047111 |
shubon.ahmed@yahoo.com |
09. | Md. Abul Bashar | National Institute of Textile Engineering and Research | Student | Male |
01723886616 |
basharinside@gmail.com |
10. | Syed Hassan Mahmood Tonmoy | Society for Peoples Action in Change and Equity | Program Officer | Male |
01830660453 |
shmahmood21@gmail.com |
11. | Aznabi Majumder | Young Power in Social Action | Project Officer | Male |
01912930151 |
ypsa.nahid@gmail.com |
12. | Abdullah Al Mamun | Internet Society (ISOC) Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter | Member | Male |
01929469744 |
almamundiu@yahoo.com |
13. | Shah Zahidur Rahman | Internet Society (ISOC) Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter | Member | Male |
01841672058 |
shah_zahidur@yahoo.com |
14. | Md. Jobair Alam | Host Might | CEO | Male |
01722071072 |
bipul@hostmight.com |
15. | Alauddin Sohel | Okshopbd.com | CEO | Male |
01817264127 |
mydream.mom@gmail.com |
16. | Nitai Sarker | Ortha | CEO | Male |
01612461500 |
orthabd@gmail.com |
17. | Md. Mosleh Uddin | Myshoppingbd.com | CEO | Male |
01935113785 |
muddinrefat@gmail.com |
18. | Moniur Rahman | arccBangladesh | Owner | Male |
01711331186 |
moinarcc@gmail.com |
19. | Kh. Masud Rana | Infobip Ltd | Manager | Male |
01712443456 |
masudnsu051@gmail.com |
20. | Abdul Halim Rubel | Arpon Communication Ltd. | Business Manager | Male |
01614048925 |
rubelabdulhalim@gmail.com |
21. | MD. Nazim Uddin | rongmala.com | Managing Director | Male |
01814326577 |
mdnazimuddinrappy@gmail.com |
22. | FarjanaTamanna | e-CAB | Member | Female |
01682026585 |
tamannafarjanadhk@gmail.com |
23. | Shanjida Rahman | e-CAB | Admin Manager | Female |
01727666827 |
shanjida.rahman.91@gmail.com |
24. | Md. Ashraf Uzzaman | e-CAB | Assistant Admin | Male |
01648800668 |
rason_zaman@hotmail.com |
25. | Mahmuda Khatun | e-CAB | Admin Officer | Female |
01854578936 |
mahmudamun24@gmail.com |
About BIGF
Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum [Headed by H E Hasanul Haq Inu, MP, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Information, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh] is an emerging OPEN multi-stakeholder inclusive effort to illuminate issues and cultivate constructive discussion about the internet in conjunction with the UN Internet Governance Forum (UNIGF). In provides a domestic independent forum in the Bangladesh to engage civil society organization, government, corporate sector, technical, media and academia, helping to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward.