
About bdSIG

about bdsig
These leaders and experts are working on some of the following areas;
  •  Organizations on Internet governance
  •  Publications and presentations
  •  Projects on Internet governance

Bangladesh School of Internet Governance (bdSIG) intends to serve participants from around the country through professional courses on the topic of Internet Governance. bdSIG is being organized by Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF) in conjunction with United Nations Internet Governance Forum. bdSIG is working for implementing  a school of IG in Bangladesh through the collaboration with Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG) and Dynamic Coalition (DC) Schools on Internet Governance (SIG).

Strengthened capacities of Multi-stakeholders to participate effectively in internet Governance Process through bdSIG. The process started in 2017. As a result, 541 stakeholders participated in six batches and approximately 135 policy experts, resource persons, policy makers attended and shared their knowledge.

bdSIG at a glance (2017-2023):

1st bdSIG 2017, 02 Days, 12 Sessions, 13 Speakers, 25 Participants

2nd bdSIG 2018, 02 Days, 12 Sessions, 17 Speakers, 45 Participants

3rd bdSIG 2019, 02 Days, 12 Sessions, 17 Speakers, 45 Participants

4th bdSIG 2020, 02 Days, 10 Sessions, 14 Speakers, 93 Participants (Virtual Format)

5th bdSIG 2021, 02 Days, 11 Sessions, 27 Speakers, 256 Participants (Virtual Format)

6th bdSIG 2022, 03 Days, 9 Sessions, 16 Speakers, 77 Participants

7th bdSIG 2023, 03 Days , 14 Sessions, 17 Speakers, 61 Fellows  

In this sequence the 8th edition of bdSIG event will be held as a Physical (Face to Face) model during 25, 26 & 27 April 2024 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  • bdSIG graduated 602 stakeholders from 2017 to 2023 in Six batches and mobilized stakeholders’ including Government Sector, Civil Society, Private Sector, Technical Community, Academia, Youth and Media. Policy experts, resource persons, policymakers shared their knowledge and strengthened the capacity of the stakeholders on the internet process.
  • Galvanizing efforts for nationalization and localization of Internet governance in Bangladesh.
  • Showcasing Internet Governance process and initiate related agenda at the national level for Empowering, Voicing and Amplifying of Multi-stakeholders.
  • Foster dialogues with stakeholders for empowering, creating space and influencing power for intensifying the internet governance process in Bangladesh.


The Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF) attempted to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals, in discussions on public policy issues relating to the Internet. IGF Bangladesh has introduced School of Internet Governance as a Pre Event.



Empowerment via knowledge



  • To motivate stakeholders on Learning
  • Educate next generation towards IG
  • Create good team to support Local IGF